Security & Training inheriting the know-how, organization and teachers ofi Security Training Projectborn as a training company on Air Transport & Airport Security, it is now a company leader in the “certified training” sector throughout the security sector and also from safety.
The new corporate organization constitutes a further element of strengthening, useful for improving corporate development and a strategic positioning in the training sector, the provision of security services and event management.
- Airport company(carriers, management companies, airport suppliers, regulated agents, aero clubs, other users).
- Surveillance institutes / Security companies operating in port, railway and transport systems under concession pursuant to Ministerial Decree 154/2009.
- Port services company
- Port management company and cruise terminal
- Postal operators
- International organizations
- Engineering company
- Logistics & Transport Company
- Public bodies and administrations
- University
- Other training companies

Partner & Event Sponsor

Via San Giorgio Morgeto, 127
00173 Roma
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