Training for Maritime Anti-Piracy services
Security & Training is a training company authorized by the Ministry of the Interior to provide training courses for maritime anti-piracy services.

A training program is foreseen for anti-piracy service workers on board merchant shipping flying the Italian flag, provided for by article 3, paragraph 2, letter. c, of the Ministerial Decree 28 December 2012, n.266 lasting 12 hours.
At the end of the training course aimed at knowledge of the subjects indicated in the common programmes, those attending with GPG qualification will have to be initiated by the dependent Supervisory Institutes into two further training phases of an operational nature:
Phase 1^ (managed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport – General Command of the Coast Guard Harbor Office) for a total duration of 4 working days and is divided into theoretical and practical activities for a total of 36 periods, at the end of which the candidates are evaluated through multiple choice questionnaire and, in case of a positive outcome, they access the 2nd Phase of the training course.
Phase 2 of the course takes place in the Brindisi headquarters of the Ministry of Defense – Navy, Caorle School Battalion of the SAN MARCO Navy Brigade; it has a total duration of 3 working days and is divided into theoretical and practical activities for a total of 25 periods. At the end of the Course, a multidisciplinary test is administered and a “Course Attendance Certificate” is issued.

Via San Giorgio Morgeto, 127
00173 Roma
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