Course for control service workers – Ministerial Decree 6/10/2009
Activity authorized by the Emilia Romagna Region as per Approval Act Num.12780 of 07/23/2020
Training course for personnel responsible for control services of entertainment and show activities in places open to the public or in public establishments
Course location: Reggio Emilia
In order to be admitted to the training course, the following requirements are necessary:
- Age not less than 18 years;
- Fulfillment of the right-duty to education and training in accordance with the relevant legislation in force or a lower secondary school diploma.
- Those who have obtained a qualification abroad must present a declaration of value or, alternatively, a sworn translation of the qualification held, which certifies the level of education.
- Foreigners must demonstrate a good knowledge of the oral and written Italian language, which allows them to actively participate in the training course: this knowledge must be verified through an entrance test to be kept in the records of the implementing bodies.
Analysis of the expected documentation and short test.
The training course has a minimum duration of 90 hours, with a maximum of permitted absences of 10% of the total hours.
The training course is divided into training units related to the following thematic areas:
• legal area: 33 hours
• technical area: 30 hours
• psychological-social area: 27 hours.
- Front
- FAD for the legal area
- Synchronous video conference
- Practice and exercises
A seguito del superamento della prova di verifica finale si rilascia un Attestato di Frequenza con verifica dell’apprendimento. This certificate allows registration on the list referred to in the art. 1 of the Ministerial Decree October 6, 2009.
At the end of the course the following CERTIFICATES will also be issued to the attendee:
- fire prevention medium risk
- first aid
- prevention of accidents at work, Legislative Decree 81/2008
Course times: 4.00pm – 8.00pm
registration fee: €340.00
For more information:
phone. 06 72910206

Via San Giorgio Morgeto, 127
00173 Roma
contacts and questions about privacy